Well, with the help of my skillful mom, I was able to complete the task. Here's what you'll need...
Materials Needed: Glassine bags, M&Ms (or your choice of candy), precut fancy tags w/ your monogram, colored thread, and an awesome sewing machine.
What I used: 1oz White Glassine Bags purchased from papermart.com gocco'd with my flourish, Orange and Pearlized white M&Ms, Precut Tags that say M&M and the date on it, and gold embroidery thread.
You then have to stuff the bags with M&Ms. My mom was extra anal and decided to count the M&Ms so that everyone gets an even amount, but you don't have to do that. You jsut have to make sure you don't put too much in that you cant fold it to sew it later. We did 27 M&Ms per bag.
Another tip, because the orange was so strong, i decided to double bag them. I am actually using 2 bags, one printed and and the inside "liner bag" plain white, so that you can actually see the design i goccoed without too much interference from the orange M&M color.
And then you just fold, add the tag (which is also folded over), and sew them with your trusty singer machine. I won't lie, my mom did the sewing. If i did it, it would be all kinds of crooked.
Here's a tip from my Mom... To save yourself from re-setting up the thread on teh machine, keep the sewing at a continuous loop, and don't snip off the thread of the bags until the next one is sewn. (not sure if i said that right, but it worked out for me)
Here is the finished product!

Hope you like it! I happen to love it!
wow! I am super impressed! And I would've counted the m&m's too...it comes from having many siblings...everything has to be even!